Wednesday, October 14, 2009

FLORIDA VEG VEST: October 24 2009 - Orlando

VegFest! For info click here.


  1. I went - I was great. Packed!!! tons of people, lots of good information, good food, weather sunny...just all around a successful event. Gene Baur from Farm Sanctuary apparently was a speaker a couple of years ago. Will not miss this annual event from now on!!!! Good for anyone who had ANY question about vegetarianism, veganism, nutrition, animal aspects, name it, they had it.!!!!!!Met a number of carnivores who were converting at the end of day. :)


Best Vegan Cookbooks

  • Lunchbox Vegan
  • Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World
  • Vegan with a Vengeance
  • Veganomicon