Monday, October 5, 2009

ADA Paper 2009

In case you missed this ADA document published this year, please check it out here.
"Position of the American Dietetic Association: Vegetarian Diets"

It is the position of the American Di-

etetic Association that appropriately

planned vegetarian diets, including

total vegetarian or vegan diets, are

healthful, nutritionally adequate, and

may provide health benefits in the

prevention and treatment of certain

diseases. Well-planned vegetarian di-

ets are appropriate for individuals

during all stages of the life cycle, in-

cluding pregnancy, lactation, infancy,

childhood, and adolescence, and for

athletes. A vegetarian diet is defined

as one that does not include meat (in-

cluding fowl) or seafood, or products

containing those foods

Please note that vegetarianism and veganism has been officially approved for ALL STAGES OF LIFE, including infancy, pregnancy, and lactation. Vegan babies, here we come!

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