Thursday, October 22, 2009


So I went to Bruges / Brussels last weekend...

saw crazy awesome wall art

... saw some all-around beautiful stuff

saw some outrageous propaganda (Chocolate Museum of Bruges)

... and some bizarre images...

such as this one...

and a dead rabbit.
(Purpose? To demonstrate what 20 cocoa beans was worth hundreds of years ago.
Why? Because people don't know what a dead fucking rabbit looks like.
I'm going to write these people a series of letters until this body is removed from the Musée de Chocolat in Bruges )

... and a taste of oppression.

I did, however, see a lot of beautiful things in spite of all the exploitation/oppression... more photos of which are soon to come, after i repose myself a bit.


  1. Great photos.....yes, that dead rabbit might just need to be removed....a simple sentence about this would suffice....Not necessary to see the poor thing there....

  2. yeah, seeing that dead rabbit was rather.... much.


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