Sunday, November 29, 2009

Humor + AR

Ummm so I've been thinking a lot about using Humor and AR, and how to tie the two together...

So in my procrastination on my french sociology work, I was bopping around looking how humor can be used for AR. The following cartoon only somewhat touches on the whole human-animality question but definitely brings to light this question of superiority which we hold to be unique to the human race.

Shamlessly snatched from the following site. I hold no rights :

The site in general can be found here:
Some duds but some that are pretty interesting.

The End.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Embracing Animality vs. Vegetarianism : Opposing Arguments?

A theoretical veganism question came to me today. Here it is in the roughest of forms. Tell me what you think:

Animality :
I consider myself a vegan in practice and in theory. So I'm constantly reevaluating my relationship and the larger human relationship with non-human animals. (Sorry if that seemed to be creating an immediate divide between the two.) Animality, quite simply put, is the essence of being an animal, something which we necessarily tie to being non-human. However, as I have put in other posts, humans are necessarily animals and I think there is something quite radical about embracing one's animality, that is to say, questioning cultural norms that go against "animality" and hiding one's "animalness." We also see how animality ties in with feminism quite frequently (check out Carol Adams or Pattrice Jones for more on that) and how The Woman is often connected with The Animal, that is to say that She possesses more animal-like qualities that Man (male) does not possess (see: emotions, involuntary menstruation, focus on the body rather than the mind, and all the rest of that garbage.) So. I think more and more amongst vegan advocates we see a shift towards embracing our own animality, that is to say that since humans are necessarily animals we must recognize our own needs and desires as necessarily human, rather than dismissing them when they arrive. Our animal needs are just as legitimate as our "rational" needs.

Vegetarianism and Embracing Our Animality... Does it Clash ?

FYI, this is a space of thought, not of thesis. I attended a lecture on vegetarianism and the speaker coined vegetarians and vegans alike as "Abstinents" as if it were some necessary withdrawal from society, an abstaining from part of the cultural story-telling, etc. However, the argument can be made that meat and killing is a desire. Fortunately in our society most of us have come to terms with the fact that killing one another is unacceptable (exceptions: government-approved activities such as war, grassroots independence movements, etc.), so my argument for vegetarianism doesn't crumble by me saying this :)

However, to what point can one remedy the notion that we embrace our own animality and desires and all the while "abstain" from an industry so horrible?

I think the answer lies somewhere in the fact that questions and categories are not quite as discrete as I've made them out to be. Animality does not mean savageness, after all, it simply means recognizing that we are animals and as such are not simply brains detached from the rest of our physical beings. One can be animal and ethical at the same time. But all the while the argument is continually made that meat is a desire, a need to consume the flesh of another being. I think this question merits some more evaluation... So please don't hesitate to give me feedback!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

VG-Zone: Veg Guide to Paris

Best website ever for FRENCH VEGANS/VEGANS IN PARIS/
végans/végétaliens/végétariens à Paris!

Spread that shit around!

Furthering Oneself from the Culture of Meat: Good or Bad?

I keep asking myself if it's a bad thing that I'm losing my connection more and more to the culture of meat-eating. On the one hand, that's a good thing. It's a great thing! But by losing my tie with this huge part of our culture (current culture, I should add) am I separating myself too much from omnivores? That is to say, from a campaigning standpoint, am I losing my ability to connect to meat-eaters ? Am I losing my ability to effectively rework the culture of meat, but removing myself from it? Culture is moldable, after all, and just requires a good bit of time and energy to change. Here's the equation for you right-brained people (also I'm bored, and procrastinating on homework)

TIME + starting a VeganDialogue + vegan cupcakes + SUSTAINED PATIENCE
= Vegan Revolution !

So I ask myself, am I still able to effectively relate to the people I'm talking to?
It's true there are always the lines like ---
  • "I used to love meat!"
  • "This tastes just like meat, try it."
  • "I know that veganism sounds kind of extreme but... "
all of which help the non-vegan in question from feeling judged. Also to keep her/him from completely tuning me out, and everything that I have to say, for fear that I've just lost it.

Making Non-Veg Alliances? This has consequently led me to consider developing slightly odd ties/alliances with my friends who are vegetarian or omnivore and get their insight as to how best campaign. For instance, I could show them a series of pamphlets, videos, presentation methods and they could respond with their feedback. Especially when it comes to vegan food, I sometimes question how people really find Isa's cupcakes of heaven (As for me, I don't remember what milk tastes like.. though I was mildly lactose intolerant for most of my childhood anyway. As are many people.) AND! If you ask someone about this business, they may *MAY* actually listen to what you have to say for once.
But as I was thinking about how far I'm separating myself from the culture of meat, I have to pat myself on the back. Once you've seen all the pain, suffering, and madness that goes on in the meat industry, you just kind of want to run out into the street and scream at the top of your lungs "DIE YOU MOTHERFUCKING AGRI-INDUSTRY OF HELL!" And sometime it really hurts. It really fucking hurts at first to see so much and feel so disempowered. To see a mother bellowing for her calf in just 8 oz. of milk. A putrid, ammonium-wreaking, file-cabinet-sized hen facility in every little egg. And a serving of meat? Tail-burning, beak-clipping, ineffective stun-guns, "kosher" lies, scalding tanks.

Sometimes it hurts, but when you realize how much of an impact you can have, everything kind of looks up. I've been a vegan activist for not too long, and I can already see the impact I've made on my friends and family. And as W.E.B. DuBois once said,
One thing alone I charge you. As you live, believe in life! Always human beings will live and progress to greater, broader and fuller life. The only possible death is to lose belief in this truth simply because the great end comes slowly, because time is long.
Time sure as hell is long. But it's important to keep that in mind. Because change is a-happening.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Noam Chomsky on Vegetarianism

The Animal Activist's Handbook.

Bruce Friedrich's 20-minute interview on his book "The Animal Activist's Handbook" can be found

sidenote: I had no idea that Bruce Friedrich had such good diction! Quite unique in this day and age if I may say so myself. It's also incredible that a Lefty like Bruce would be allowed to use his personal politics while still speaking on behalf of Peta, eh? I would think that for vegan activist orgs who want to steer away from other political stances, one might be turned off by religiousness and his delicious poverty and peace work ?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Veg Your Cafeteria!

I just found a great how-to guide on Veganizing your School Cafeteria from Viva! USA check that shit out.


I literally stumbled upon this vegan tabling event when I was wandering the streets of Hamburg. It definitely made my day.

Sign on the left is a play on the word "Buttermilk (Buttermilch)"and says "Mothermilk (Muttermilch) ? Naturally!"

(Same kind of poster as from the Anti-Fur March on the 24th..
ie "My flesh belongs to ME. If you want to eat meat anyway, bite into your own ass.")

The movement is spreading and it's exciting!

Best Vegan Cookbooks

  • Lunchbox Vegan
  • Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World
  • Vegan with a Vengeance
  • Veganomicon