Pamela Anderson was one of the first, and perhaps most annoying, animal rights celebrities to grace the world with her presence. Although most of her work seems to have been with PETA, her fame led her to work with a number of vegan advocacy organizations (therefore necessarily being against the production of milk.)* Pamela Anderson has never technically claimed to be a vegan but she was the Honorary Director of PETA for a while in 2007 and it should be noted that PETA is an explicitly vegan NGO.
Oddly enough, Pamela Anderson was recently pictured in a now banned Australian commerical for the internet company Crazy Domains. She plays the object of a businessman's sexual fantasy as she is sprayed with milk or cream in a golden bikini. SuperVegan notes that she blatantly uses Milk and Sex to sell a product completely unrelated to either of these things.
Personally as a feminist, a vegan, and as a human being, I cannot stand Pamela Anderson. There's just something about her that makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Something that makes me cling to the nearest copy of Carol Adam's The Sexual Politics of Meat. I somehow sense that I'm not alone here.
But let's be nice and get back on subject: Naturally organizations don't have complete control over what their spokespersons do, but most would probably hope that their spokespersons would avoid directly contradicting their basic mission statement. Sure, money may be tight for Pammie Pam because people are done watching her porn films, but really Pamela? Where are your principles? You make me mad about PETA, even though they make really cute stickers and created the amazing, famous I Can't Believe It's Vegan website which rocked my world in early vegan days. In just a couple eloquent words: Umm.... what?
*Often for reasons including: milk is destined for calves, milk can only be produced with cows are pregnant therefore requiring yearly re-impregnation of cows-- but calves are taken away at birth, cows are slaughtered once production rate begins to decline, the milk industry is the reason the veal industry is in business, etc.
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