After that, I left at about 9:45 to catch my 10:30 emergency filling appointment, thinking that'd be MORE than enough time. But no. I walked in at 10:33 after rushing my ass off. Turns out it was literally on the OTHER side of Paris, namely the 8ème Arrondissement. When I got off the metro stop, i literally walked out onto the Arc du Triomphe, looking onto the Champs Élysées. (Life is tough!) The dentist was sketch as hell, but fortunately he spoke english very well. He only took cash (hence the sketch), but whatever. I no longer have a huge hole on the side of my face where a filling once was.
I had good intentions of meeting up with everyone, because today was their day to go into the 8ème Arrondissement luckily enough, but then I started feeling crappy and fevery and just wanted to go home. I went to Monoprix and bought myself some lunch (supermarkets = cheaper than cafés. By far!) and then I treated myself to a cadeau that I've been meaning to get for a while, namely an AR book in French. THe only one that can be found without being specially ordered was naturally Animal Liberation (La libération animale) by Peter Singer, which I have already begun to read.
I got home, fixed up my resumé to send off to AR orgs in France -- even though i'm not going to be officially hired anyway -- and tried to figure out more of my class stuff. (Honestly I'm LIVID with this program right now. So much stress and strain, and they don't help at all. In fact, the director has just been sending bitchy emails to me like i'm a 4 year old. And well, honestly, that's no fun.
I napped and chatted with some loverly folks online. I hid out in my room while Ghislain & Samir interviewed the new Nounou (babysitter). I don't think they cared for her too much, so they'll just still with the old one right now. Samir ultimately pulled me out from my room :) and we all had dinner (TONIGHT: delicious eggplant, peppers, rice with some salad and pain, of course. The french don't know how to live w/o pain.) Some yaourt de soja and some chocolat noir for dessert.
After dessert, Ghislain corrected my french exercise -- it was really funny. He like counted them all up and everything, and then gave it back to me like it was a graded assignment haha. Then we all played Baccalauriat (which is apparently like... Here's a letter. Now think of a fruit, a veggie, a city, country, profession, and object that begins with that letter). I played in French and Ghislain in english. Samir was in charge of the letters/falling asleep. I sucked, needless to say, and Ghislain invented a few words.
Tomorrow is the big day that we're off to the campagne to visit Ghislain's mother, so, pas d'Internet pour moi! Oh well. Soon enough. Anyway, I'm going to upload some images I thought were cool, leave me some feedbacks if you is being wanting to.

Permitted, but [only if] kept on a Leash...

::looks at the last picture::
ReplyDeleteah yes the New Anticapitalist Party! one of its leading activists Olivier Besancenot has been running for political office in France and co-authored a book with Michael Loewy (no idea how to type umlauts) on Ernesto "Che" Guevara which Monthly Review, a US socialist journal known for Third World anti-imperialist national liberation politics, recently published. http://www.monthlyreview.org/books/cheguevara.php
Stephen, you know your stuff. As an activist, I am proud to be your friend ;)